As we celebrate Military Appreciation Month and Armed Forces
Day, the Girl Scouts of Southeast Florida, Forgotten Soldiers Outreach and
the Duffy’s Foundation grouped together this weekend for this special
occasion as they honored the Top “Cookies for the Military” Sellers from the
Girl Scouts. The Girl Scouts hold such a connection to home for those serving
overseas as these cookies are a staple that are included in every We Care
Package. Forgotten Soldiers Outreach is always in need of your donations to
include in their care packages. For a list of items needed and ways you can
show your support, please visit forgottensoldiers.org. These care packages are filled with care items, treats and encouraging letters that are shipped to America’s deployed military service members. Special thanks to all the parent’s involved, Executive Director of Forgotten Soldiers, Lynelle Zelnar, and Duffy’s Sports Grill (Hypoluxo Rd. and Congress Ave – Boynton East) for their team creating the most hot and delicious lunch for the group! |